DevSecOps – Build Once, deploy multiple times

Automation of build secure modernized apps, deploy on Kubernetes environments

Modernizing apps to containers and deploying them onto Kubernetes is becoming very common in the market. However, the challenge is ensuring the apps and containers are built securely,
implifying the automation, building containers once, simplifying the deployment of the container to multiple environments, and standardizing the process.

Build Pipeline

  1. Choose the right Tools – Git Repos, Build, Code Coverage, Image Scanning, Artifiactory, and Deployment Tools
  2. Pipeline should involve steps – prep, code coverage, build image, scan image, store image in Artificatory

Deploy Apps

  1. Build Helm Charts with environment-specific values YAML files
  2. Deploy the containers, with manifests, environment specific settings from helm charts to Kubernetes Clusters to the desired state
  3. Deployment tools should monitor app status, compare current, live state to desired target state,


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